Saturday 30 June 2007

At Changi Airport

And I now have 10 minutes with which to write another airport post, after having spent the first five of these free minutes wishing Erica goodnight.

I have many photos, which will eventually appear in this space.

For the moment, I will list the following things of interest:

1. I am tired.

2. I bought Erica a cookbook called 'Irene's Peranakan Recipes'. The salesman at the newsagency told me that Peranakan cooking is an authentic melange of Indonesian and Malaysian. We'll see.

3. After a conversation between Erica and I over what the official languages of Singapore would be, I asked an airport guide which language he spoke, other than English. Upon hearing he actually spoke Tamil, I then asked him whether his family came from Sri Lanka. This was, clearly, not a good question to ask.

4. I ate at the Sundanese Food restaurant. I recommend it - for SIN$6.60, I ate quite a hearty meal of mixed vegetable with coconut milk sauce, and all I could eat rice. I also met a nice Hong Kong-born engineer called Calvin, with whom I ended up sharing my meal. He lives in Singapore, but apparently he prefers to eat in airports.

5. Having gotten out of bed at 6am, it is now 1.30am Adelaide time, and I now have another plane to catch, which will take me until around about 2pm Adelaide time. This is also sometimes known as 7.20am Copenhagen time.

6. I am tired.

Next post: Denmark.


Birdie said...

Did the man at the newsagency really use the phrase "authentic melange"?

Enny said...

First non Erica/Ben comment!

Ben said...

Erica: I think he might have used the phrase "a mix of", but mine sounds so much more appetising.

Enny: Yes, it is!