Thursday 26 July 2007

A Health Update.

At first I thought it was some kind of intense skin irritation. Then it seemed like it might be dreaded bed-bugs, a thought which put me into a fit of exterminate them! around my room. But no, it was when I realised that I had quite a bad fever that it occurred to me that I had...


Yep, I never got them as a kid. Everyone in my year three class got it eventually one winter, while I stayed as healthy as... a healthy person. But at the age of 23, in Vienna, I got chickenpox. On the scale of things that are not cool, this is up there with the best of them.

Especially since yesterday I had booked a train and a hotel in Munich.

So I spent all day on a series of trains which were either delayed, connected to buses (not cool with chickenpox), going back to where they came from to connect to another train, or just delayed again, until finally I got to Munich. I then asked to get a taxi to the nearest hospital to see a doctor, which happened to be the University Hospital, where I was treated immediately and four two and a half hours by three doctors! I was given a saline drip, blood tests, thermometer (39.9 degrees celsius) and blood pressure. I was also given (through the drip) medication for my fever, which cooled me down immensely and took more than half an hour of lying there falling asleep to do so. Each of the doctors treated me as some kind of excellent case study, before telling me that there wasn't much they could do, and I needed to rest for seven days.

So now I'm resting in another single room, in Munich, for seven days.

And I look like a swollen leper.


Enny said...

Oh noes!!!

littlefaeriegirl said...

have you recently been in the seaford/moana area? there's quite the outbreak going on up there.

also, calomine lotion isnt in fashion anymore, you need to take a fluorescent yellow bath instead


Steve Williams said...

Damn! But on the brightside, you've got a story that you can reflect on in the future. A crazy, unfortunate one, but at least not TOO bad. But, for the immediate term: damn.

Anonymous said...

I hope my sympathy for your plight goes without saying, but I can offer you some bonus pity from my mother, who wants to know if you have travel insurance.

My family's best wishes to you.